Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 4

Since my first day I've definitely gotten alot done and had alot of time to explore. On Tuesday we got our prepaid phones, walked around downtown, and went on campus for the first time to register for Orientation. Wednesday we walked around downtown again and went by the beach which was soo pretty and actually a shorter walk from my apartment then I thought (15-20 minutes). That night me Erin and Caitlin met up with the guys from App that are at Alicante too and we all got dinner then went out to Havana Cafe and another bar which was alot of fun. The bars here close around 6am so that's definitely a big change and we were out till almost 5 but it was good for everyone to get to know eachother. Yesterday we went to a super store downtown that's basically a wal mart but better with 6 floors. I got a hair dryer and a space heater since there's no heat in my apartment and it's freezing at night. For dinner we decided to get some authentic spanish cuisine and tried a seafood paella ontop of pasta instead of rice and I don't think it was quite for me haha. There were octopus tentacles and whatever Erin had had fins on it... definitely gross. Today we went to Orientation and the guy talked in all Spanish so it was a little hard to keep up. I'm pretty sure our business classes actually end in April and the Spanish still go to June so I'm going to try and get my Spanish classes for the morning so when April comes around I can go to the beach everyday =) Registration here is also a little different.. you get a week to try out a bunch of classes and see which you like best and then you register for hopefully I'll get the classes I want. After Orientation I went to a big bank here to open an account and even though the welcome guy gave me information in english that actual person that opened the account for me that I had to talk to spoke in only Spanish so that was kind of a challenge but I got good practice =) Now I'm siesta-ing and later tonight the girls and guys from App are gonna eat dinner, then meet up with Margaret (Caitlin's roommate from Lithuania) and two girls we met at Orientation that are from Austria and Finland to go to bars in El Barrio. Basically to sum everything up... I absolutely love it here and I'm having alot of fun already =)

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