Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Post

So I decided to copy Erin and do a blog while im in Spain...figured it would be easiest instead of giving different people my daily updates on life so anyone that cares to look can read here! Well.. I leave in a week and I'm really excited but a little nervous.  I got the information on my apartment and I live really close to Erin so I'm excited about that.. and my roommates are 2 girls from the Netherlands and one girl from Canada. I still havent figured out everything I'm gonna bring yet, since only 2 bags can be checked and 2 carry on. Of course everything I brought back from Boone fits in about 6 boxes so we'll see how well this works out. Its 3:30 am so I'm too lazy to post pictures of my apartment that were emailed to me so maybs another time

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