Thursday, January 20, 2011

4 days

ahh so in 4 days i will be headed to Spain!!! I'm getting way too excited, having spanish dreams every night and making travel plans with Erin everytime we talk.  I'm still a little nervous about the packing situation considering I have way too much stuff, but the fact that I got a new huge leopard print suitcase will make it a little more fun. I've also been trying to figure out how I can hide my dog Isamu on the plane to smuggle her into Spain but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna work. Anyone who knows me and my obsession with my dog knows how hard it's gonna be for me to leave her =( =( But on a happier note my best friends from Boone are coming to visit in Cary before I leave for good so I'm pretty excited about that. OH and I've made a pretty big decision...or i think hah.. I've decided to put my vegetarian lifestyle on hold while I'm abroad because I want no limits in trying new food, and since food is my absolute favorite thing in the world I think I've made a good choice. Welll... I'm gonna stop writing in this till I'm actually there for good since it's probably getting pretty boring but I'll end with this.. I have NEVER been more excited for change. New food, new people, new hot spaniard boys, drinks, beach, oh.. and school. hasta luego!

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