Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Day!!

I'm finally heree after a full day of traveling. My connection from Madrid to Alicante didn't go too well considering I got myself very lost and took a bus to a terminal about 15 min drive away and wandered around for 2 hours, then me and Erin's taxi driver was a total douche and refused to respond to anything I said, even though I was talking in spanish but that's okayyy bc IM HEREEE =) =) People definitely act, dress, etc very different here but I like it. My roommates are really cool and I have my own room with a bathroom so that's nice and everything is in walking distance. Me and Erin met up with Caitlin and of course we were starving when nowhere was serving food (they eat dinner around 10ish here) so we went to some small pizza place, so I haven't had a chance to enjoy real spanish food yet. Buttt I did order a legal sangria so that was satisfying. Plans for tomorrow are to check out the bus pass situation, go on campus and hopefully register, get my prepaid phone, figure out a bank situation, and hopefully explore some more. I don't think I'll be able to call back to the States so if anybody wants to talk your gonna have to skype me!! Well I've been awake for a day and a half straight now so I'm about to go pass out. I'll keep everyone posted on what I'm doing here!

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