Thursday, February 3, 2011

A little over a week

So it's been almost a week since I posted last and I haven't done too much because I've been sick the past few days. We all went out last weekend to the different bars/clubs so that was alot of fun. After that we went to El Castillo de Santa Bárbara which was absolutely beautiful (go on my facebook to look at pictures). Then until today I've been sick in bed but I'm finally feeling better so today we all went on campus to figure out our confusion with classes and basically those of us that are from App did not quite get what we signed up for. To make a long story short, all of us are in the international business program but were planning on taking two spanish language courses, but only one can be easily taken, but I'm pretty sure atleast my schedule is figured out now. Tomorrow we have our final meeting then Monday classes begin. I've been resting all week so tomorrow night I will be out on the town again so I'll update with more exciting stuff after classes start!

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